CrimsonFiler: Vendor Refunds and Other Receipts

Other receipts are items that need to be reported on Schedule A of your FEC report, but are not contributions. Examples are vendor refunds, earned interest on your bank accounts, candidate loans, or list rental income.

Note: If you recorded your Other Receipts in Crimson under the Treasury menu and imported your contributions with the “Import from Crimson” button into Crimson Filer, your Other Receipts have already been imported.


Other Receipts can be entered in Crimson Filer in 3 ways:

A. Enter all of the information in Crimson and import it in.

B. Manually enter them individually into your Crimson Filer FEC report.

C. Create an Excel document with all information and import it directly into Crimson Filer.


A. Enter all of the Information into Crimson and Import It:

Note: Please reference the Crimson Other Receipts Guide for instructions on how to enter Other Receipts into Crimson.*

If you have recorded all of your Other Receipts in Crimson, you can export the file out of the database for your review.  Once you have reviewed your file, you can follow the steps in #3 above: Entering Receipts by Spreadsheet.

If you have made all edits directly in Crimson, and do not need to review/edit your file:

1. Go straight to your report in Crimson Filer.

2. Go to the Sched A tab of your report and click 

3. You will then need to select the Fund Codes that you want to import (i.e. P2016, G2016, etc.)

4. Then click the  button.

5. You’ll be asked, “Are you sure to import now?” When this appears, click Yes.

When this appears:

  • Click Append – if you want to add these receipts to what is already in Schedule A.
  • Click Replace – if you want this file to delete everything that you have in Schedule A and overwrite the existing data.
  • Click Cancel – if you do not want to import this file now or need to change the mapping.

Note: You can use  from the Main page instead of from the Sched A tab, but this will import all of your expenses AND all of your receipts.


B.  Manually Enter the Other Receipts in Crimson Filer:

This option can be used to enter receipts that you do not have recorded in any other software.

1. In the report you have created in Crimson Filer, go to Schedule A.

2. To add a receipt, click .

3. Enter all of the information in the screen that appears.

4. Click .


C. Entering Other Receipts by Spreadsheet:

We recommend keeping track of this information in accounting software if you are not using Crimson Other Receipts, but you can keep it in an Excel sheet.

Prepare your file to import into CrimsonFiler:

A. Save the file in .xlxs or .xls format

B. Make sure your file has the following fields:

  • Unique Transaction ID (TRANID)
  • Line number (LINE)
  • Entity Type (ENTITYTYPE)
  • Organization or Individual Name (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, or ORGNAME)
  • Address (STREET1, STREET2, STATE, ZIP)
  • Date (DATEEXP)
  • Amount (AMT)
  • Aggregate (YTDAMT)
  • Transaction Description (TRANSDESC)

C. In the report you have created in Crimson Filer, go to Schedule A.

D. Click the   button. 

1. Step 1: Upload File, choose your file

2. Click Step 2: Map Fields

3. Map each field in your database

  • If you are going to use this file format frequently, you can save the field mapping by clicking the Create Mapping… button. After you have mapped your fields, you can label the mapping (i.e. Vendor Refund, List Rental Income, etc.). You can have as many saved mappings as you need. Then click Save New Mapping.

4. Click Step 3: Validate

If your validation is successful, proceed to the next step.

If your validation finds errors, go back and correct the necessary fields then attempt the import again.

5. Click when everything has been mapped.

6. You’ll be asked, “Are you sure to import now?” When this appears, click Yes.

7. You’ll then get this window:

  • Click Append – if you want to add these receipts to what is already in Schedule A.
  • Click Replace – if you want this file to delete everything that you have in Schedule A and overwrite the existing data.
  • Click Cancel – if you do not want to import this file now or need to change the mapping.
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