CrimsonFiler: Schedule H1 – Method of Allocation

According to the FEC, State/District/Local Party Committees, Separate Segregated Funds, and Non-Connected Committees must report the allocation methods and percentages for Federal and Non-Federal expenses in Schedule H1 and/or H2 on Form 3X reports.

For Schedule H1 – Method of Allocation, you will need to enter this information directly into your FEC report in CrimsonFiler (NOT in your Crimson database).

  1. In your FEC report (Form 3X) in CrimsonFiler, select the Sched H1
  2. You can edit this schedule using one of the following options:
  • Manually – Click  to add a new record. Once you have entered the info (Tran ID, Fixed Percentage, Flat Minimum Federal Percentage, Ratio, and/or Text), click Save Changes.
  • Import – Click  to manually import a file into the report. Follow Step 1: Upload file, Step 2: Map Fields, Step 3: Validate, and then click Import Now. Select either Append if you want to add this info to the report’s existing data or Replace if you want to replace the original data in Schedule H1.
  • Duplicate – Click  to copy an existing record.


 You can use the Export button if you want to review the information in Schedule H1.


**Please Note: Refer to the Crimson Filer – Schedule H2, Crimson Filer – Schedule H3, Crimson Filer – Schedule H4, and Crimson – Expenditures – Schedule H4 Disbursements for Allocated Federal/Non-Federal Activity guides on the HelpDesk for more information on the other sections of Schedule H.

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