CrimsonFiler: Schedule H4 – Shared Federal/Non-Federal Operating Expenditures

According to the FEC, Schedule H4 – Disbursements for Allocated Federal/Non-Federal Activity (SB21A) expenditures must be itemized by committees who use their federal account or separate allocation account to pay for allocated federal/non-federal disbursements.

Schedule H4 expenditures can be recorded in Crimson and then imported into CrimsonFiler or they can be uploaded directly into your CrimsonFiler FEC report.

**Please note: Refer to the Crimson: Expenditure Data Entry and Crimson: Schedule H4 Expenditures guides on the HelpDesk for directions on how to enter these expenditures directly into Crimson.

  1. In your FEC report (Form 3X) in CrimsonFiler, select the Sched H4
  2. You can edit this schedule using one of the following options:
  • Manually – Click the  to add a new record. Once you have entered the info (Type, Organization or Individual Name, Tran ID, Address, City, State, Zip, Event Name, Description, Event Type, Date, Fed Share, Non-Fed Share, Total Amt, and Aggregate), click Save Changes.



  • Import – Click  to manually import a file into the report. Follow Step 1: Upload file, Step 2: Map Fields, Step 3: Validate, and then click Import Now. Select either Append if you want to add this info to the report’s existing data or Replace if you want to replace the original data in Schedule H4.
  • Import from Crimson – Click   if the SB21a expenditures have been entered in your Crimson database and you want to import that directly into Schedule H4 of your FEC report in CrimsonFiler. Follow the normal steps of importing from Crimson by selecting the fund code(s) and then specifying the percentage that should be used to calculate the Federal share for these expenditures. Select either Append if you want to add this info to the report’s existing data or Replace if you want to replace the original data in Schedule H4. The aggregates should also be calculated when using the Import from Crimson option.
  • Duplicate -  to copy an existing record.
  • Export – Click  if you want to export all data from this schedule to review in Excel.

**Please Note: Refer to the CrimsonFiler – Schedule H1, CrimsonFiler – Schedule H2, CrimsonFiler – Schedule H3, Crimson: Schedule H6 Expenditures, and CrimsonFiler – Schedule H6 guides on the HelpDesk for more information on the other sections of Schedule H.

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