Crimson FAQ: Can I Undo a Merge?

Question: Can I undo a merge?

Answer: No. Merging is permanent and irreversible so do not merge records unless you are sure they are the same person.

If a merge was done by mistake, you need to create a new People record and use the adjustment type of Transfer to move gifts back to the correct record. Detailed steps below:

  1. Create a New People Record for the merged record. See the Crimson - Add a People Record guide for instructions on how to create a new People record.
  2. After saving the new/re-created record, the Profile page will open. If you have exited that screen, run a People Search to find and open the new record.
  3. In the profile, make sure you have selected the Giving History panel.
  4. Click on “All” gifts to the right of the “Recent Gifts” area in the lower half of the screen.
  5. Open the first gift to be transferred by clicking on the mceclip2.png button to the left of the transaction.
  6. Click the blue Adjust button and an Adjustment box and Adjustment Date field will appear.
  7. Select TR – Transfer from the Adjustment drop-down menu.


  1. Enter an Adjustment Date to reflect the original contribution date by either manually entering the correct date or using the Calendar icon to select it. *Please note: this is the date that will appear on your FEC report.
  2. Enter the new donor to transfer the contribution to by searching for the ID or First and Last Name in the Donor ID search field and then press mceclip1.png.
  3. Once you find the record, click Select.
  4. Click Apply to finalize the transfer adjustment.
  5. Repeat this process for each gift until all that were merged in error have been transferred to the correct record.
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