Question: How Do I attach a check image or document to a Gift Detail?
Answer: Use the Crimson Gift Attachment or Batch Attachment Features to store Check images, Donation Forms, or other related gift level documents in Crimson.
Gift Attachment
Take the following steps to add an attachment to a single gift:
- Find the existing gift and open the gift details.
- Click the button at the footer of the screen.
- The Attachment window will open. Click the button to upload a file from your computer.
- Select the Document you would like to upload from your computer. NOTE: Attachments must not exceed 4MB.
- A popup will appear asking you to name the document. Ex: Check 1002.
- Click .
- The document will automatically save. Repeat as needed.
- Click on the hyperlinked file name to download the document.
- Click to delete the attachment.