Crimson FAQ: How Do I Record a Contribution with Non-Sufficient Funds?


How do I record a contribution with non-sufficient funds? 


Contributions with non-sufficient funds are recorded as Debits. In general, debits are applied when the bank rejects a check, it has bounced, or it was improperly written/damaged.

Recording a Contribution with Non-Sufficient Funds

  1. Find the contribution you want to apply the debit to by either using the Search functionality in the People Dashboard and then opening the money record or by using the Search functionality in the Fundraising Dashboard.
  2. Open the gift and click mceclip0.png . The Adjustment drop-down and Adjustment Date fields will appear.
  3. From the adjustment drop-down menu, select Debit.


  1. You will need to edit the Adjustment Date by using the calendar tool or manually.


  1. Click Apply to finalize the Debit.

**Please note, the gift is then deducted from the donor’s record. The debit will show as a negative on Schedule A on FEC reports.

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