When you electronically submit your report or filing, your committee will receive an email from the FEC stating that your filing was either accepted or rejected. If the filing was rejected, the email will include the reasons why it was not accepted.
Successful Submission (“Accepted”)
If the electronic filing was accepted, save all emails from the FEC confirming that the filing was accepted. We encourage this as a best practice for record keeping and for verification should any issues arise regarding the submission of your report or filing.
If you would like a visual that your reported was accepted by the FEC, as well as view your previous reports and filings, you can do so by following the steps below:
- Go to: https://www.fec.gov/data/filings/?data_type=processed.
- On the left-hand side under “Edit filters,” enter your committee name or FEC ID.
- Under Data Type, select the “Raw” tab.
- Once you have entered your information, you can bookmark the link above for future reference to view your reports and filings.
- Use the Document and Receipt date column to find the specific report for your committee.
- Use the
icon to pull up a drop-down list of download options (CSV, FEC, and PDF) if you want to download your FEC report. You can also click on the Document name to view it in detail on the FEC website.
Unsuccessful Submission (“Rejected”)
If the report or filing was rejected by the FEC, please follow the link in the email sent to identify the field(s) that need to be corrected prior re-submitting.