CrimsonFiler: Form 3L

A committee will need to file a Form 3L if it has received bundled contributions from lobbyists/registrants and/or lobbyist/registrants PACs exceeding the FEC’s threshold for reporting.  For more information on what needs to be included in a Form 3L, please visit the FEC’s online instructions.  The instructions below explain how to file a Form 3L using CrimsonFiler.

  1. Once in CrimsonFiler, click on Create New under Reports. Select FORM3L: Report of Contributions bundled by Lobbyists as your report type.


  1. Click Create Now and the new Form 3L will be created for you to complete. Complete the Status section and Main tab as you would other reports in CrimsonFiler. Be sure to select the correct report Type and enter the Cover Period dates in the Main tab then click Save.
  2. For Schedule A, select Import from Crimson and select the Fund Code(s) that you want to pull from. For Amount, put in the current FEC reporting threshold for the year.

  1. Click Import Now and select if want to Append or Replace
  2. Continue to manually import any Schedule A or Schedule B records as needed. Once done, go back to the Main tab and click the Calculate
  3. Then go to Step 2: Generate to run your report through the FEC’s validator. When ready, file using Step 3: File.


For more information on the how to file a report, visit CrimsonFiler – Creating an FEC Report

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