Crimson FAQ: Events Map It Feature

The Event Map It feature displays the events on a map, allowing you to visualize your events across the country. Use this tool to get a quick snapshot of where your major areas of presence are, review what areas may need more attention, and much more!

Event Map Feature


  1. To get started, go to the Event Dashboard.
  2. All Events will display by default on the dashboard map. Use the Event Search to narrow the amount of events that are mapped with the Map It feature. 
  3. Click the mceclip1.png button to search.  Use the Filters tab to search based on codes, date, location, and/or contact information.
  4. The results will preview on the screen with options at the footer of the screen. Click the mceclip3.png button and then select Map It.
  5. The map will open and display the first 500 records from your results.

Helpful Tips


  • Zoom into any area of the map for greater detail.
  • Click on one of the blue pins to see the event’s information.
  • Click on the event name to open the event’s full details.
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