Crimson FAQ: What is the Difference Between Reattributions & Redesignations?

Reattribution - Presumptive: 

A reattribution reallocates money from an original donor to a second donor, usually the donor’s spouse. An adjustment date, adjustment amount, and existing donor are required for this type of adjustment.

A presumptive reattribution to another donor:

  • Applied when there are two names on a check with one signature (ex. John Smith and Anna Smith on check header, but only John Smith signed the check)
  • A presumptive reattribution of excess funds can be applied to the second name on the check as long as the appropriate compliance letter is sent to the donors informing them of the reallocation.

Redesignation - Full:

A redesignation reallocates a contributor’s donation between campaign cycles, usually between primary and general cycles. When reallocating a contributor’s full donation, apply the “Redesignation - Full” adjustment. Adjustment date and cycle fund code (P2024, G2024, etc.) are required.

Redesignation - Partial:

A redesignation reallocates a contributor’s donation between campaign cycles, usually between primary and general cycles. When reallocating a portion of a contributor’s donation, apply the “Redesignation - Partial” adjustment. Adjustment date, adjustment amount, and cycle fund code (P2024, G2024, etc.) are required.

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