Crimson: Events Module Import

The Events Module Import option allows you to import a list of invitees to an event.

Prepping Your File:

Before you begin importing please save the file as an Excel. The following are the available fields for import:

Columns to Include



Use field if the record already exists in Crimson. This is suggested to avoid duplicate issues.

Record Type

Default Options Available:

·         I = Individual

·         C = Candidate Campaign Committee

·         P = Multi-Candidate PAC

·         S = State or Local Party Committee

·         O = Non Multi-Candidate PAC

·         M = Non Federal Committee

·         N = National Party Committee

·         R = Partnership & LLC

·         T= Other

·         J = Joint Fundraising Committee

·         D = Indian Tribe

Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, & Suffix

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Employer & Occupation

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column


This is the invitee’s work title, different from “Occupation”.

Salutation, Informal Salutation, Mail Salutation

These fields are defined by the clients, but be consistent with what each salutation is composed of. 

Mail Name

Name used for mail.

Primary Mail

Use “True” or “False” depending on whether this record will be a primary mail record or not.

Spouse Name

This field can have first name for spouses with the same last name or first and last name when the last names are different.

Address Type

Only import one type at a time. Options:
H = Home
B = Business
S = Seasonal
O = Other

Street, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, & Plus 4

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Bus.Street, Bus.Address Line 1, Bus.Address Line 2, Bus.City, Bus.State, Bus.Zip, & Bus.Plus4

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Home Phone, Business Phone, Fax, Cell Phone, Email, Second Email, & URL

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Assistant, Assistant Phone, & Assistant Email

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Date of Birth

MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY format.

Event Code

The code (not description) for the Event.

Event Status

Default status options in Crimson are: Invited, Confirmed, Attended. See below for more information on where to add/edit status options.

Attend Date

Also known as the RSVP date

Table #

Use this field if using assigned table numbers for an event.


Use this to answer the questions already created for an event. Can answer up to 25 questions for an event.


The industry of the invitee.  Options:

T = Telecommunication

AG = Agriculture

AL = Alcohol

AU = Auto

BE = Beverage

BL = Building

CH = Chemical

CP = Computer

CO = Construction

DF = Defense

EL = Electronic

Flag 1-10

Can select up to 10 Flags already in Crimson to assign to the imported invitees.

Keyword 1-10

Can select up to 10 Keywords to assign to the imported invitees.

Contact Prefix, Contact First Name, Contact Middle Name, Contact Last Name, Contact Suffix, & Contact Title

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Contact Street, Contact Address Line 1, Contact Address Line 2, Contact City, Contact State, Contact Zip, & Contact Plus 4

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Contact Home Phone, Contact Business Phone, Contact Fax, Contact Cell Phone, & Contact Email

Each of these fields should be parsed out into their own separate column.

Contact Informal Salutation

Contact’s informal salutation.

Importing the Event List:

Navigate to the Event Dashboard on the left Main Menu. Click the Import Invitees mceclip0.png button on the top right Dashboard Navigation Bar and follow the import steps:

Step 1: Upload File

Click the Upload File button and then select the file you saved to your computer for import. Choose the worksheet you want to import from the drop down list that appears. Click Next.

Step 2: Import Type

Select Event from the Import Type drop-down menu and type the Event Code you are importing your invitees to. As you start to type, existing Event Codes will populate for you to select from or if the event does not yet exist, click mceclip1.png to create it. You can also select whether or not to overwrite existing data. Click Next.

Step 3: Mapping

The first column will display the column headers of your file. The second column will have drop-down menus with Crimson headers. Map the fields together by selecting the corresponding Crimson headers for your file. Click Auto Mapping for Crimson to auto map fields. If using this feature, be sure to check for fields Crimson did not auto map. For more information on Auto Mapping, see the Crimson – Auto and Load Mapping guide on the HelpDesk. Click Next.

Step 4: Validate and Import

Click mceclip2.png to scan your file for possible errors. It will display results if any occur or display a ready to import result. If there are no errors, it will automatically import, show you the results, and give you an option to Output for Review.

For more information about the newest Event features in Crimson, see the Crimson - New Events Features guide on the HelpDesk. To create a new event or edit an existing event, see the Crimson –Creating a New Event or Crimson - Editing Event Details on the HelpDesk

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