Crimson FAQ: Batch Numbers

When batching contributions in Crimson, you must assign a unique batch number to the group of contributions being keyed. This code is unique to your organization for contribution identification purposes. Below are the requirements for using Batch #:

  • Batch #s can be alphanumeric.
  • They must not exceed 4 characters.
  • A unique batch # cannot be used more than once in a single day.

Examples of How Batch # can be used:

Batches can be broken up by deposits or batch numbers can be in different series to provide information about the type of batch or where it was entered. For example, direct mail batches can be all numeric (0001, 0002, 0003…), major donor or special event batches can begin with a letter (S001, S002...), and exception batches can begin with a different letter (E001, E002), internet batches could begin with "I", etc. The batch # format can take many shapes and it is up to your organization to decide the best batch numbering system for you.

Use of Batch # in Data Entry


If batching contributions manually via Data Entry, you can either manually enter the Batch # or use the red arrow button on the right of the Batch Number field to automatically assign a batch number in numeric order. The auto assigned numbers will start with 1001 and will add as it goes. Each time it is used, it will look at the last batch number and numerically add 1 to it. For example, if a client’s last batch # was 3456, then when they create a new batch by clicking on the arrow, it will automatically assign the new batch # 3457.

Use of Batch # in Importing

If batching and loading contributions via the import, you can include a column for the Batch # to identify more than one for the file being loaded, or use the Default Batch Number field during the import process to apply a single batch # to all records being loaded. Note, if you have multiple dates in your import file and have assigned a single Batch # to all records, Crimson will automatically create unique batches based on the different dates.


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