Crimson: Exception Codes

What are Exception Codes?

Exception Codes are used to tag gifts that need further attention for FEC Compliance. For example: over-limit donors, partnership attributions, personal funds verification, or third party signatures. The purpose of assigning these codes is to make it easier to pull and maintain the lists for Exception Letters that need to be sent to donors.

How Exception Code System Works

Codes in Crimson are created systematically to indicate the status of a gift’s FEC compliance correspondence:

  • A code ending in 1 - indicates a letter needs to be sent to the donor for FEC compliance.
  • A code ending in 2 - indicates a letter has been sent to the donor for FEC compliance.
  • A code ending in 3 - indicates a satisfactory response was received for FEC compliance.

For Example: B1 =“Verified Reattribution Letter Needed”, B2 =“Verified Reattribution Letter Sent”, and B3 =“Verified Reattribution Letter Returned by Donor”.

**Please note: For presumptive correspondence, step 2 is the last step.

Managing Exception Codes

Crimson has a list of standard FEC exception codes, but you can customize your exception codes and the FEC memo text associated with them to help manage your records.

  • To manage your exception codes, you can either go to the Compliance Dashboard and select Compliance Settings in the dashboard navigation bar or open Settings on the Main Menu, select Compliance and then select the Exception Code tab.


  • A list of existing exception codes will appear along with the total number of codes you have. Scroll through the pages of codes using the left and right arrows or by clicking on the desired page number.
  • To search for certain codes, type search variables in the Search bar above the results. The search variables may appear in the Code, Description, or the FEC Memo Text section.
  • To view/edit an exception code, click the mceclip1.png button to the left of the exception code, make the necessary changes, and then click Save.
  • To delete an exception code, click the mceclip2.png button to the left of the exception code. A confirmation message will appear asking, “Are you sure to delete?” Click Yes to delete the code permanently or No to cancel.

Creating a New Exception Code

  • To create a new code, click mceclip3.png and a new Add Exception Code window will appear.


  • Enter a short Code of up to 10 characters.
  • Enter a Description for the exception code.
  • The FEC Memo field indicates what will appear in a record’s FEC Memo Text if it’s tagged with that code.
  • Click Save when you have completed the Code, Description, and FEC Memo fields.
  • Click Cancel at any time to cancel the creation and exit the Add Exception Code window.

List of Default Exception Codes


Exception Description

It is Used When…


Presumptive Reattribution Letter Needed

The contribution is over the limit, two names are on the check, but only one person signed. Any reattributed record is automatically given an A1.


Presumptive Reattribution Letter Sent

The A1 Letter has been sent. This is marked automatically when the A1 List is pulled.


Refund Requested by Donor

The donor returns the letter to request a refund instead of having the excess money reattributed to his/her spouse. THIS LETTER DOES NOT NEED TO BE RETURNED.


Verified Reattribution Letter Needed

The contribution is over the limit, one name is on the check, and there is only one signature. 


Verified Reattribution Letter Sent

The B1 Letter has been sent. This is done automatically when the B1 List is pulled.


Verified Reattribution Letter Returned by Donor

The B1 letter has been returned. If both signatures have been provided, reattribute the money. 


Foreign National Letter Needed

A donor has a foreign address.


Foreign National Letter Sent

The F1 Letter has been sent.


Foreign National Letter Returned with Documentation

The F1 Letter has been returned with proper documentation.


Redesignation Letter Needed

The contribution is over the limit and is being moved from the Primary to the General. 


Redesignation Letter Sent

The G1 Letter is sent.


Redesignation Letter Processed

The redesignation letter is processed.


Partnership Redesignation Letter Needed

A partnership contribution is over the limit. This redesignation may not be done presumptively.


Partnership Redesignation Letter Sent

The K1 Letter has been sent.


Partnership Redesignation Processed

The K1 Letter has been returned with the appropriate signatures.


LLC Letter Needed

A contribution from an LLC does not include the members that the contribution should be attributed to.


LLC Letter Sent

The L1 Letter has been sent.


LLC Letter Returned w/ Documentation

The L1 Letter has been returned with appropriate documentation.


Non-Federal Committee Letter Needed

A committee that does not file with the FEC gives a contribution. This is to confirm they do not accept corporate money.


Non-Federal Committee Letter Sent

The N1 Letter has been sent.


Non-Federal Committee Letter Returned

The N1 Letter has been returned with proper documentation.


Partnership Letter Needed

A contribution from a partnership does not have the names of the partners who should get credit for the contribution.


Partnership Letter Sent

The P1 Letter has been sent.


Partnership Letter Returned w/ Documentation

The P1 Letter has been returned with the proper documentation.


Verified Reattribution/Redesignation Needed

A contribution needs to be redesignated and reattributed and there is only one name on the check.


Verified Reattribution/Redesignation Letter Sent

The R1 Letter has been sent.


Verified Reattribution/Redesignation Letter Returned

The R1 Letter has been returned with the proper documentation.


Third Party Signature Letter Needed

When the signature does not match the name on the check.


Third Party Signature Letter Sent

The T1 Letter is sent.


Third Party Signature Letter Returned by Donor

The T1 Letter is returned with the proper documentation.


Refund to be Issued

A refund needs to be issued for any reason. The reason should be explained in the comment field.


Refund Issued

A refund is issued.


Personal Funds Verified with Contribution

A personal funds statement is signed on the original contribution.


Personal Funds Verification Needed

A personal funds verification is needed.


Personal Funds Verification Sent

A V1 Letter has been sent.


Personal Funds Verification Received

A V1 Letter has been received with the proper documentation.


Presumptive Reattribution/ Redesignation Letter Requested

A contribution needs to be reattributed and redesignated. This code is used when both names are printed on the check.


Presumptive Reattribution/ Redesignation Letter Sent

A W2 Letter has been sent.


Presumptive Reattribution/ Redesignation Verified

The adjustments have been made. THIS LETTER DOES NOT NEED TO BE RETURNED.


Multi-Candidate PAC Redesignation Letter Needed

A Multi-Candidate PAC contribution needs to be reattributed.


Multi-Candidate PAC Redesignation Letter Sent

An X1 Letter has been sent.


Multi-Candidate PAC Redesignation Letter Received

An X1 Letter has been received with the proper documentation. UNLIKE AN INDIVIDUAL THIS CANNOT BE DONE PRESUMPTIVELY.


Non-Multi Candidate PAC Redesignation Letter Needed

A contribution from a Non-Multi Candidate PAC needs to be redesignated. This can be done presumptively.


Non-Multi Candidate PAC Redesignation Letter Sent

The Y1 Letter has been sent.


Non-Multi Candidate PAC Redesignation Letter Processed

The Y1 Letter has been processed.


Refund Sent at Donor Request


For information on using exception codes to create exception correspondence, please refer to the Crimson 3 - Exception Codes - Pulling Lists for Mail Merge guide on the HelpDesk.

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