Clubs are useful in organizing your People records and categorizing them in easily searchable groups. You can create clubs and club statuses with renewal dates and customize them according to your needs.
Creating and Editing Clubs
- To create/edit a Club, click on the People Dashboard, then the Settings
button on the top right Dashboard Navigation Bar and open the Club tab. A list of existing clubs will appear along with the total number.
- Search for club codes using the Search Bar along the top.
- Scroll through the pages of your list of clubs using the left and right arrows or by selecting the desired page at the bottom. You can also control the number of clubs or items listed per page using the drop-down menu (5, 10, or 20 items per page).
- To view/edit a club, click the
button to the left of the club code, make your edits and press
- To delete a club, click the
button and choose Yes when asked “Are you sure to delete?” to delete the club permanently or No to cancel.
- To create new club, click
and a new Club Code window will appear.
- Enter a Club Code of up to 30 characters that will help you remember its significance (Ex: Inner Circle, Grassroots, Round Table, etc.) and then click
- Click Cancel at any time to exit the new club window and not save the information.
Creating Club Statuses
To create/edit a Club Status, click on the People menu, then the Settings button on the top right Dashboard Navigation Bar and open the Club Status tab. A list of existing club statuses will appear along with the total number.
- Search for club statuses using the Search Bar along the top.
- Scroll through the pages of your list of club statuses using the left and right arrows or by selecting the desired page at the bottom. You can also control the number of club statuses or items listed per page using the drop-down menu (5, 10, or 20 items per page).
- To view/edit a club status, click the
button to the left of the club code, make your edits and press
- To delete a club status, click the
button and choose Yes when asked “Are you sure to delete?” to delete the club status permanently or No to cancel.
- To create new club status, click
and a new Club Status window will appear.
- In this new Club Status window, you’ll want to choose the Club that you are creating the new status for using the drop-down menu, create the status name which can be up to 50 characters long (Ex: “Inactive”, “Active”, “Lapsed”, “Expired”, “Hot Prospect”, “Club Level 1”, etc.), and then click .
Using Clubs in a People Record
Within a People record, the total number of clubs the people record belongs to and clubs that have upcoming renewal dates appear under the Clubs Panel in the profile. If you click on the panel, an overview of the clubs will appear. You can click the All in the top right corner of the panel summary to see a list of all active clubs that the profile is a part of.
- To add a new club to a people record, click
. A new Club window will open where you can choose the Club and Club Status in the drop-down menu. You can also add a Solicitor, Candidate, Renewal Date, and/or enable the Primary Club, Override, or Closed toggles then click
- You may click
anytime to exit the window.
- You may click
to open an existing club and edit the info or
to delete a club from a profile.
Searching with Clubs and Club Statuses
When searching for People records, you may search for all records within a specific Club, Club Status, and/or with a Club Renewal Date under the Group section.
**For more detailed information on searching, please see the Crimson - People Search guide on the HelpDesk.