The Thank You List Select tool is useful in generating lists of donors who need to be sent thank-you correspondence.
**Please note, the results will be on a transactional level so if a donor has made more than one gift in the time period selected and neither gift has been thanked yet, they will pull into the output once for each gift that fits the criteria.
1. Under the Fundraising Dashboard, select Thank You’s Needed card to open a Thank You list select search window.
2. Use the Filter tab options to select the criteria needed to build your list of donors who need to be thanked and the Output tab options to select which information will be provided in an export.
3. Once your search criterion has been entered, click the button.
Note: If you click the red button at any time, the Search Panel will clear all of your selection criteria and allow you to start a new thank-you list search.
4. The Thank You select will pull a list of donors based on the criteria that you entered.
5. To view a record, click the button to the left of the record.
6. To save a list, click the button in the bottom left corner or to run a Mail Merge click .
- If you select Mail Merge a new window will appear where you can either choose a template or add a new template for the merge. The template will need to be a Microsoft Word document setup for mail merge. For more information please view the Mail Merge guide.
7. You will also have the option to mark that all of these donors have been sent a thank you note by clicking Yes or No. If you select Yes, then these records will not pull in your future selects.
If you haven’t been using this feature to send Thank You’s previously, you may want to do a quick select of previous gifts and just mark them as “thanked” to avoid accidentally selecting them in the future.
9. Either click or . Open your Excel export and use the results to start sending thank you notes or send your Thank You letter prepared by mail merging.