Follow the directions below to update a People Record by either using the Quick Search tool or the detailed People Search to look up and open a People record.
Note: If you are unsure how to use the search option, please see the Crimson: People Search from the Helpdesk.
A People record has many sections that can be updated.
Edit Most Fields
Click the button at the bottom left of the screen.
The majority of fields will be open in a fully editable format, as displayed above. When you have made all appropriate changes, click the button at the bottom of the screen. Click the
button and any edits you’ve made will be undone without saving. You can exit the screen by clicking on the X in the top right-hand corner.
Phone and Address Book
Additional addresses, phone numbers and email information can be entered by clicking on the icons in the bottom right of the first panel. You can choose either the or the
in order to Add, Edit or Delete an entry. You’ll also be able to indicate which address or phone number is considered the Primary. The Primary record appears on the main donor screen and is included in outputs – including the FEC output where relevant.
The Photo box in the top left hand corner of the screen allows you to view a photo attached to a record, add a photo if none exists or change the current photo. Put your cursor on the phot and click Change to locate a photo on your computer and load it.
There are additional modules and fields accessible through the various panels on the top half of the record. If you click on a panel, a panel summary will appear on the bottom half of the record.
The Gifts panel shows a list of the donor’s gifts to date. Click in the panel or
in the panel summary to create a new gift, or highlight a gift in the Recent Gifts list by clicking it once to open it for viewing and editing.
The Statement option in the top right of the panel summary changes the viewing format of the list to display the full gift history, including adjustments.
The Pledges panel allows you to monitor the statuses of any pledges the donor has made. The pledges will appear on a Recent Pledges list. To view all pledges, click All in the top right of the panel summary.
Click in the panel or
in the panel summary to create a new pledge, or highlight a pledge by clicking the blue icon to open it for viewing and editing. You can also click the red X to clear it from Crimson. More information about pledges can be found in the Crimson: About Pledges solution in the HelpDesk.
The Flags & Keywords panel displays a list of flags attached to the record, and controls to manage flags. To add a new flag, click the desired flag in the Available Flags list in the panel summary and then click the right facing arrow. You can remove a flag in a similar manner by selecting the desired flag in the Assigned Flags panel summary and then click the left facing arrow.
The Flags, Keywords, & Attributes panel displays a list of keywords attached to the record, and controls to manage keywords. To select Keywords, click the Keywords tab. To add a new keyword, click the desired keyword in the Available Keywords list in the panel summary and then click the right facing arrow. You can remove a keyword in a similar manner by selecting the desired keyword in the Assigned Keywords panel summary and then click the left facing arrow.
Note: Please reference Crimson: Flags and Crimson: Keywords in the Helpdesk to learn how to create new flags and keywords in the library.
The Task panel displays a list of all the tasks to which the donor has been linked, with the same Add, Open, and Delete options. Click the checkbox marked Include Completed to change the view from pending tasks only to all tasks. See the Crimson: About Tasks HelpDesk file for more instruction on using tasks.
The Note panel displays a list of notes about the donor. You can add, open, and delete notes as with pledges and gifts. Each note can have a subject, date, and note text body.
The Events panel displays a list of all the events to which the donor has been linked, with the same Add, Open, and Delete options. See the Crimson: Events Features helpdesk file for more instruction on using events.
The Contacts panel allows you to add contacts to a record, such as assistants who should be listed as the primary contact information, or contact people for a PAC. Click Add Contact to create a new contact, and a Contact window with fields for information like address, email, and phone number will appear for editing. Click the checkbox marked Primary once to make that contact the primary contact for the record.
The History panel shows an itemized list of every change that has been made to the People file in Crimson since its creation. You can select a particular time period in the Period drop-down menu, select what kind of changes you would like to see (Delete, Insert, Update, or All) from the Update Type drop-down menu, or use the search bar. This feature allows you to view who made what updates when, and may help to understand new information, or allow you to make inquiries about changes to the Crimson users who made them.