Crimson FAQ: Press Release Report

Crimson has a new Report, #2998 Press Release Report, that will produce fundraising statistics for your campaign or organization.  This report is particularly helpful in preparing press releases for after a fundraising drive or a recent FEC filing.

This report is designed to quickly answer questions such as how much you raised, the number of donors, undisclosed VS disclosed donors, average gift size, and more. 

NOTE: The Press Release Report does not include your final quarterly fundraising numbers. Please wait to pull it until your final FEC report is reconciled with the bank. 

How to Run the Press Release Report in Crimson 

  1. From the Home dashboard, click on the Reports mceclip1.png icon from the Navigation Bar in the top-right hand corner.


  1. In the new window that appears, type in the name of the report, “Press Release,” and Report #2998 will appear in the results.


  1. Click on the green Run This will open the filters for the report.
  2. Enter your criteria. For example, if running a report for Q1 stats, adjust the Date Range to Between and select 1/01/19 to 3/31/2019. You can also further define which fund codes, states, and congressional districts you want to search for. Click on the green mceclip4.png button when ready.

Note: State and District filters only impact the number of gifts and total of gifts in the State and(or) District selected columns.  


  1. The results of your search will appear. Click on the blue button to download them into a CSV that you can share with your Communications team or others. 


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