Crimson: Fundraising Codes

Organizing your data can be a confusing task, but with the correct coding at the start you will avoid several headaches down the road. There are four important fundraising code types in Crimson:


For campaigns, each election cycle should have its own fund code so that information can be analyzed for just the current campaign and reported correctly to the FEC and each committee should have their own fund codes. Example 1: P2024 is a fund code for Primary money and G2024 is a fund code for General money in the 2024 cycle for a Candidate Committee. Example 2: PAC is a fund code for the Leadership PAC and JFC is a fund code for the Joint Fundraising Committee.


Program codes are for broad categories of fundraising such as Housefile/Direct Mail, Prospect Mail, Telemarketing, Internet, Major Donors, or Events.


Every appeal to donors (prospect or housefile) receives its own Initiative code. For example, if you are sending out a “Health Care Bumper Sticker” mailing, that mailing should receive an Initiative code. Events can be entered as one initiative or divided by region or other criteria. Every Initiative is linked to a broader Program code.


Within each Initiative, Source codes are assigned to different segments of the list used for a mailing. If a prospecting mailing, the source code identifies which list the name was rented from, for Housefile, the source represents the segment of your file. Events can each be given a unique source code so that lists of donors for a particular event can easily be output. Every Source Code is linked to a broader Initiative code, but only Source Code is required to be assigned to gifts entered into the system.

Here’s a visual of how the hierarchy works for Program, Initiative, and Source.

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