Crimson: Notes

The Notes function in Crimson allows users to keep track of notes within a People record. When adding a note, the user can include a subject, date, note, and attachment.

**Notes cannot be searched for using People search. To view a note, open the note within the People record or generate the Full Profile call sheet. There are also Data Maintenance Reports that allow you to pull notes in mass by subject, state, date, etc. (#1002, #1003, and #1005).

***Notes can not be imported or exported from your Crimson database.

Creating and Editing Notes within People Records

Creating and Editing Notes within People Records

1. To create or edit a note, first open the People record the note is to be assigned to. For information on how to find and open a People record, please see the Crimson: People Search solution on the HelpDesk.

2. Once within a People record, you will see several panels. Click on the Notes panel to pull up a list of notes associated with this record and options to create or edit notes. 



3. To edit a note in the list, click the edit_button.png button. The Note window containing that note’s information (subject, date, note, and attachment) will appear. After you have finished editing, click Save or Cancel.

4. To delete a note in the list, click the  button. 

5. To create a new note, click the add_note.png button. . In the new window, you can enter the subject, date, note, and attachment. Then click Save.


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