Crimson FAQ: Auto and Load Mapping

Crimson  Auto Mapping enables users to quickly map fields for import.  Users can also choose to save commonly mapped fields.  All this occurs in Step 3 Mapping of imports.  For more information on importing, please see Crimson: Importing New People Records, Crimson: Importing New Contributions, Crimson: Importing New Expenditures or Treasury Receipts, Crimson FAQ How Do I Import Partnership Attributions, Crimson: Importing New Payee Records, Crimson: Importing – Lists to Append Records, Crimson: Events Module Import Guide 



Mapping refers to matching the column headers from the Excel to the corresponding names in Crimson.  For example, First Name might be FNAME in the Excel but it will match to Crimson’s First Name.  In Crimson, you can map field by field using the drop-down list, auto mapping, or load saved mapping. 


Auto Mapping

  1. To auto map, navigate to your import and begin like normal.
  2. In Step 3 Mapping, click the mceclip0.png button to begin auto mapping.
  3. Crimson will then give you a notification on how many of your Columns in File were matched to Columns in Database. Take this moment to check any columns that were not mapped, and to ensure that the fields were mapped as you intended.
  4. Manually map any fields unable to be auto mapped.
  5. Click mceclip1.png when you are ready to continue the import.

** For a list of fields that map to Crimson’s Database, please check out this template


Load Mapping

To load mapping, navigate to your import and follow the steps to Step 3 Mapping.  If you have already saved mapping, click the mceclip4.png button to load mapping.  You can then move on to complete your import. 

If you have not saved mapping, follow the steps to do so. 

  1. In Step 3 Mapping, manually map the fields or use the Auto Mapping
  2. Once you have the fields mapped, click mceclip6.png.
  3. Then, use the fields that appear to Enter new name for the mapping you just saved and click Save to new Mapping.
  4. Once you have saved mapping, you can use the Save to selected Mapping button and drop-down menu to save the mapping to an existing saved mapping.mceclip5.png
  5. Once you have saved searches, in Step 3 Mapping click mceclip4.png Then use the drop-down list to select the saved mapping you want to load.  Then click mceclip4.png again. 
  6. Check for any unmapped columns and then click mceclip1.png to continue importing.
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