Crimson: Treasury Receipts - Candidate In-Kind

The following are the steps to creating a Candidate In-Kind in Crimson:

1.  Go to the Treasury Dashboard.

2.  Click the New Receipts action button on the dashboard.

3.  Either search for the Candidate’s Payee record or add a Payee record

    • If there’s no payee record for the Candidate, then click the add_new_payee.png button.
    • Select Candidate from the Payee Type drop-down menu and enter the appropriate information into the remaining fields where necessary, then click Save.

4.  A receipt window will appear after selecting the Payee. Enter the date of the In-Kind into the Batch Date field and enter the Amount of the gift.

5.  Select the Fund Code from the Fund drop-down menu.

6.  Select the Payment Type as IK- In Kind. Note: If this is not done, you will not see the dialogue box for step 10.

7.  You can select a Bank Account Code in the Account drop-down menu, or leave the N/A default if you do not have bank accounts setup in Crimson.

8.  Select SA11D – Contributions from the Candidate from the Line Number drop-down menu.

9.  Finally, enter the appropriate description as you want it to appear on the FEC report in the FEC Description field (Ex: “Candidate In-Kind– Personal Funds”), then click Save.


10. You will be asked if you would like to create a corresponding Expenditure for the IK.  If you select Yes, then you do not need to manually enter any Schedule B disbursements for Candidate In-Kinds.  Crimson will automatically create the corresponding disbursements.  Both the Other Receipts and Disbursements will pull in CrimsonFiler when an FEC report is created.  If you select No, then you will need to manually add the expenditure details.




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