CrimsonFiler: Entering Credit Card Ultimate Vendors Entries

**If you prefer to enter Credit Card/Expense Ultimate Vendors in Crimson instead of CrimsonFiler, see the Crimson: Ultimate Vendors guide for Crimson’s Expenditure Module.

Credit Card and Other Expense Ultimate Vendor Entries Can Be Entered in CrimsonFiler in Two Ways:

1. Create an Excel of the ultimate vendor entries for a payment and then import it into CrimsonFiler

2. Manually enter the entries individually into CrimsonFiler

Entering Ultimate Vendors by Spreadsheet:

**Please note: the credit card payment must already exist in Crimson Filer in order for it to be properly referenced by the ultimate vendor memo entries.

1. First, enter the CC payment (reference the Example Ultimate Vendor CC Payment Spreadsheet download below):

  • You can manually enter the CC payments or import all of them in a single Excel spreadsheet.
  • In your CC payments' spreadsheet, enter all the essential information including:
    • Unique Transaction ID (TRANID)
    • Line number (LINE)
    • Entity Type (ENTITYTYPE)
    • Organization Name (ORGNAME)
    • Address (STREET1, STREET2, STATE, ZIP)
    • Date (DATEEXP)
    • Amount (AMT)
    • Transaction Description (TRANSDESC)
  • The field TRANSDESC should read CREDIT CARD PAYMENT.
  • Please note: the MEMOCD field is empty for the credit card payment entry, indicating the entry is live.

2. Enter the Ultimate Vendor Payments (reference the Example Ultimate Vendor Memo Entries Spreadsheet download below):

  • In a separate Excel spreadsheet, enter the same essential information for your ultimate vendors as you did for the CC payments, but make sure to include:
    • Memo Indicator (MEMOCD)
    • Back Reference Tran ID (BACKREFTRANID)
    • Back Reference Schedule Name (BACKREFSCHEDNAME)
  • Each ultimate vendor entry should have a unique TRANID.
  • We recommend TRANIDs that reference the CC payment to which the transaction is related.
  • Mark each ultimate vendor entry with a X in the MEMOCD column to indicate that it is not live.
  • Enter the TRANID of the original CC payment in the BACKREFTRANID column.
  • Enter the FEC line number of the original CC payment in the BACKREFSCHEDNAME column.

For example: if the TRANID for the original CC payment is SB21B.CC.001, then the BACKREFTRANID for the ultimate vendor record associated with that payment should also be SB21B.CC.001. If the line number for the original CC payment is SB21B, then the BACKREFSCHEDNAME for the ultimate vendor record associated with that payment should also be SB21B.

3. Import the Two Separate Spreadsheets of your Credit Card Payments and Ultimate Vendors:

  • After creating your spreadsheets, import them into Crimson Filer like a regular expense import, but you must import the CC payments' spreadsheet first and then import the ultimate vendor memo entries' spreadsheet.
  • All ultimate vendor entries will appear as Memo entries and only the credit card payment entry, which was not marked with an C in the MEMOCD column, will impact your totals in your FEC report.

Entering Ultimate Vendors Manually:

  • First, enter the credit card payment transaction as a normal expenditure.
  • Then, enter each of the ultimate vendor entries one by one.
  • For each ultimate vendor payment, enter the following on this section Back Reference section:
    • Check the MEMO checkbox
    • Enter the TRANID of the original CC payment in the BACKREFTRANID field.
    • Enter the line number of the original CC payment in the BACKREFSCHEDNAME field.
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