Schedule L (Form 3X) contains information about all Levin Funds activity. Committees must report the aggregates/summary pages as well as all receipts (Schedule L-A) and disbursements (Schedule L-B) of its Levin Funds in Schedule L.
Establishing Levin Funds Accounts in Schedule L:
First, you will need to add/complete a record in Schedule L for the Levin Fund account(s) you’re trying to report receipts/disbursements for.
You have the following options in Schedule L: Add, Import, Duplicate, Export. If you don’t have an excel file to import or an existing Schedule L account to duplicate, click the Add button, complete the fields, and click the Save Changes button.
Entering Levin Funds Receipts (Schedule L-A) and/or Disbursements (Schedule L-B):
Next, you will need to add the Levin Funds receipts and/or disbursements under Schedule A and Schedule B.
You’ll add Levin Funds receipts and/or disbursements in the same manner as a normal transaction (via the Add, Import, or Duplicate buttons within Schedule A and B), but you will need to select the correct Schedule L-A or Schedule L-B FEC line number AND link the report’s Schedule L account you established earlier under each receipt/expenditure.
To link the report’s Schedule L to a receipt or expenditure, include the same Acct ID from Schedule L under the transaction’s Levin Fund Account ID field.
**Please note: You cannot use the Import from Crimson button when adding Levin Funds receipts/expenditures in Schedule A and B because that data currently isn’t capable of being stored in Crimson.
Below are the Schedule L-A and Schedule L-B FEC line numbers available to use in Crimson Filer.
Schedule L-A FEC line numbers:
- SASL1A – Sched L – Receipts from Individuals
- SASL2 – Sched L – Other Receipts
Schedule L-B FEC line numbers:
- SBSL4A – Sched L – Transfers for Voter Registration
- SBSL4B – Sched L – Transfers for Voter Id
- SBSL4C – Sched L – Transfers for GOTV
- SBSL4D – Sched L – Transfers for Generic Campaign
- SBSL5 – Sched L – Other Disbursements
Once all Levin Funds’ receipts/disbursements are added to a FEC report, the Summary section in Schedule L for each account should calculate aggregates accordingly.