Crimson allows you to automatically suppress flags for records you do not want to include in a list pull, such as Thank You’s, Money Search, Best Efforts, or People Search lists. Below are the steps to add suppression flags to your search criteria.
Setting Up Channel Suppression Flags
- From the Main Menu, go to Settings > People > Flag tab.
- Add a new flag or click on the
button of the flag you want to have suppressed.
- Check the box next to “This is a Channel Suppression Flag”
- You can also check one or more of the Target Channels to be suppressed. (For more information on this setting, see Crimson: People Search - Advanced Export by Channel).
- Save your changes.
Applying Channel Suppression Flags
To apply, click on the toggle switch under “Apply Channel Suppression Flags” in People Search, Money Search, Best Efforts, and Thank You searches’ Suppression filter group area. The search will then suppress records with those flags set up in its setting.
For more information on Settings, People Search, Money Search, Thank You, and Best Efforts lists, see the Crimson HelpDesk at