Flags are useful in organizing your People records and categorizing them in easily searchable groups. Crimson automatically creates a few common flags, but you can create flags as needed at any time.
Creating and Editing Flags
To create a new custom flag or view existing flags, go to Settings under the Main Menu and click People or you can access the People Settings in the People Dashboard. Under the Flag tab, a list of your existing flags will appear along with the total number of flags you have.
- To search for certain flags, type search criteria into the Search Bar.
- To view and edit a flag, click the button to the left of the flag for edit.
- To delete a flag, click the button. A confirmation message will appear asking, “Are you sure to delete?” Click Yes to delete the flag permanently or No to cancel.
**Please note: You cannot delete a flag that is currently being used in Crimson. In order to delete any flags, you’ll have to confirm that it is not in use under any people records first.
- To create a new flag, click the button and a new Add Flag window will appear.
- Enter a Flag Code of up to 10 characters that will help you remember its significance (Ex. “DNM” for Do Not Mail or “ONCEAYR” to Send Mail Only One Time per Year).
- Enter the full Description for the flag.
- Use the optional Note field to provide more details about the flag or directions for its use.
- Check the Top Flag checkbox to prioritize the flag to the top of the Flag Menu when applied to a People Record and establish the Priority for the Top Flag. For more information, please refer to the How to Create Top Flags FAQ on the HelpDesk.
- Check the Channel Suppression Flag checkbox and select at least one target channel (Email, SMS, Phone, or Direct Mail) if you want to apply this flag as a suppression flag when using the Advanced Export by Channel feature or when generating a People Search, Thank You list, or Best Efforts. For more information, please refer to the How to Use Mass Flag Suppression in List Selects on the HelpDesk.
- Click Save Changes when you have completed the Flag Code, Description, and Note fields.
- You may click Cancel at any time to exit the Flag - Add window and not save the flag.
Using Flags in a People Record
Within a People record, flag information is located in the Codes panel. The panel will show up to five flags and the number of additional flags there are under the record.
- To view the list of existing flags, click on the Flag & Keywords panel, select the Flags tab in the panel summary to see Available Flags versus Assigned Flags. Under Assigned Flags, each flag’s Code and Description will appear along with the date the flag was added to the record.
- To add a new flag to a record, select the flag from the Available Flags list and then click the right arrow. To remove a flag, select it from the Assigned Flags list and click the left arrow.
You can also use the Mass Append function to assign flags to multiple people records at once. For more information, please see the Mass Append - Flag, Keyword, Notes, Events, and Tasks guide.
Searching with Flags
When searching for People records, you may search for all records with one or more flags under the Group section. You may also specify a date or range of dates for when the flags were added and search for records with a specific group of flags with the Having All Flags filter.
You may also use flags to omit certain records when searching by entering those flags you wish to exclude under the Suppression section.
For more detailed information on searching and on using the Suppression functionality, please see the Crimson: People Search guide on the HelpDesk.