Crimson: JFC Dashboard

The Crimson JFC Dashboard provides an overview of the JFC data by displaying totals, distribution summary information, top 5 records, and action items that help you complete the JFC distribution process all within the dashboard.

  • There is a Dashboard Navigation Bar at the top right corner of the page where you can access the:
    • People Search
    • Money Search
    • JFC Search
  • There are Dashboard Action Buttons on the dashboard such as the:
    • Distribution Search
    • New Expenditure
    • New Distribution
    • New Gift

These allow you to complete tasks related to JFC distributions without leaving the dashboard.


  • The first four cards displayed on the dashboard show you the total amount raised (year-to-date) by the JFC, the total amount distributed (year-to-date) by the JFC, the total amount raised by the JFC over all-time, and the total amount distributed by the JFC over all-time. All cards also display the number of gifts that make up those total amounts.
  • Next, is the JFC Waterfall that displays the allocation formula used for JFC contributions from individuals/non multi-candidate PACs versus multi-candidate PACs and a pie graph that breaks down the JFC Codes Used in Crimson.
  • The cards display the total amount and number of gifts that are awaiting to be distributed and the total amount and number of gifts that have been allocated as excess funds.
  • The Total $ Distributed by Participant bar graph shows how much each participant has distributed over all time versus year-to-date. When you hover over a particular value or bar, you’ll be given the exact amount.


  • The top 5 lists provide summary information such as top participants by total amount distributed and total amounts waiting to be distributed as well as top distributions that are missing linked transactions.
  • If you click on an item in any of the top 5 lists, it will open the related list of transactions that consists of those records that make up that total number or the related JFC distribution.
  • A list of Crimson JFC Reports and Compliance Reports are available at the bottom of the JFC Dashboard. You can run these reports by clicking the report’s title. Click bluedot.png button to display a list of all reports.
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