Crimson FAQ: People Search Map It Feature

The People Search Map It feature displays your resulting records on a map, allowing you to visualize your donors and prospects. Gather insights on all database records, get a quick snapshot of where your major areas of presence are, review what areas may need more attention, and much more!

People Search Map It


  1. To get started, go to the People Dashboard and click mceclip1.png to access the People Search.
  2. Enter filter criteria for the People Search like normal and click mceclip2.png.
  3. The results will preview on the screen with options at the footer of the screen. Click mceclip3.png to show a list of options and click Map It.
  4. The map will open and display the first 500 records from your search results.

Helpful Tips

  • Zoom into any area of the map for greater detail.
  • Click on one of the blue pins to see the record’s information.
  • Click on the record’s name to open their Full Profile in a new window.


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